Dead Rain excerpts

Somehow, I had never done any Dead Rain excerpts here?? Is that right? I was looking for them just now and could only find them on my livejournal.

In case anything ever happens to lj, I’m adding the excerpts here as well. Sorry that this is four in one post but I thought it would be easier to have all in one place to catch up. If I did already have these here and didn’t tag them properly, I apologize for the repeat and scroll down to “EXCERPT FOUR” which is newly released today.

Since this book is still being written, nothing is edited properly.

This is the summary for Dead Rain, by the way, which is an LGBT fantasy book I started for NaNo in 2012/2013:

Magic can change a person, twisting them into something they weren’t before. Some kill for this, some try to slow it down, but there is no cure. Not one that’s known, anyway.

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WIP Files: Writing and Sims, 2/9/14

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WIP FIles: 2/9/14, and assorted days.

I have been slowly populating Agencytown (what I will rename this neighborhood once I figure out where I can do that) with ICoS characters. So far I have Jeffrey and his sister Erica, Owen and his sister Keelin and their brothers Innis and Mannix, and Tayla and Liani. I probably should’ve done their siblings too, come to think of it, but I forgot about that when I was making them. Also somehow Liani’s face came out rounder with larger cheeks than I thought I’d done but whatever, I give up. Close enough. No one ever looks totally right when I make Sims.

By the way, that screenshot of the house was supposed to show how frickin ridiculous the Styles home is. It’s 4 levels and 6 bedrooms just for Erica and Jeffrey. Because when you’re rich, why not waste space? And despite having the biggest home with pretty much everything you could want inside, they are so far the only Sims I’ve seen who keep leaving and visiting the community park so they can schmooze it up with people and, inexplicably, practice golf. Apparently the Sim!Styles are big on the game lol

This morning I was writing in Dead Rain (see screenshot) when I decided I wanted to make Sims of the three main characters in that series, too. I put them in Agencytown even though they are completely unrelated but OH WELL LOLZ. They aren’t perfect but it’s good enough for now. I might be changing Era’s look entirely, but that was why I wanted Sims of them; to see how they looked visually. So anyway now you can see Era, Shine, and Oz.

Rereading Dead Rain/NaNo

I’ve been rereading parts of the book I started in NaNo. I hadn’t touched it in weeks so I’d forgotten about parts of it.

It makes me happy to discover that I actually really like it. I love the magic system in it, and I really like the characters. It’s still fun to me to read it even seeing how much editing it needs. And that makes me particularly happy because I almost never think anything I write is good, especially not if I’ve read it once before.

And I keep wanting to write more in it which is also good– this feeling of excitement for a story, when so many other stories I have to write sound boring to me in contrast. I think I was really missing fantasy.