ICOS Character Inspirations

Over the years I kept watch for any characters who might make good representations for aspects of ICoS characters. Of course, I often would identify someone and then later forget who it was. Luckily, eventually I got smart and kept a list.

I already did a post on Baby Boyd. This is a collection of videos and pics of the other characters who caught my eye as good representation. Keep in mind: the characters don’t necessarily look like the people I have marked as representative of them. More often, it’s the way they act or other aspects that put them on this list.

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Music: ICoS Playlist TAKE TWO

Ok I imported the playlist into grooveshark. Does it work for you now?



I can’t tell what’s happening because it’s showing the playlist when I preview this post, and I can play music on it there. But when I try looking at my site itself it’s not loading. So I can’t tell how much is my computer being silly or how much is some sort of disconnect between preview and publish.

Music: ICoS fan list

I’m trying to find a way to make it so people can listen to the ICoS fan playlist without a Spotify account. This is the newest option they provided us through Spotify, which I have tried placing on the navigation to the right. But I can’t tell if it’s working. Below is a similar embedded version of it.

Can anyone let me know if it works for them without Spotify?


I’ll do a better job of explaining everything and make this a more official post if I ever hear from anyone that the playlist works in this entry or on the side. (I hope it works on the side, that’s the best place for it)

Q&A/FAQ: Co-Writing for a Decade

You can find this blog post at Sonny’s site as well at http://www.santinohassell.com/.

NOTE: if you didn’t see us at Boys in Our Books, visit to find the exclusive cover reveal for Evenfall’s volumes, the interview that inspired this post, and Susan’s series review.

SONNY: Recently, Susan interviewed Ais and me for the new blog Boys in Our Books. The interview got super long so some cuts had to be made to keep the focus on the series, but we thought one of the questions was excellent and is one that comes up from time to time about how we interact, communicate and how we’ve stayed friends for so long

If you’re interested, our original answers are below with several additions. We broke the question down and answered bit by bit in more depth to take into consideration other questions we’ve been asked over the years.

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Fanworks: ICoS Songs

If you haven’t been to our fan page on our site, you might not have run across this. Two awesome fans made songs inspired by ICoS. See them below, including links to their soundcloud pages:

Shadow and Echo by blisschild

Find the song at https://soundcloud.com/blisschild/shadow-and-echo, including the lyrics.

Boyd’s Lullaby by Flowolf

Find the song at https://soundcloud.com/flowolf-1/boyds-lullaby